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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Spanish Calendar & Weather

Good morning!  Yesterday C asked that I make some weather stuff to go along with our calendar time.  We talk about the weather everyday but I didn't make printables for it because she has a pretty good grasp of weather.

So, I decided to make them in Spanish!  I am hoping she will keep her interest since it is about something she wants to do!

I went ahead and made a Spanish version of our calendar printables too and I plan to switch to doing calendar in Spanish eventually!

I am going to have her look out the window and pick a card to put in the box and then she'll put an arrow on the thermometer for the temperature.

Click the image below to download.  Click here to download the red and blue version.


This post is linked up at:

The Homeschool Village 


  1. I like your calendar it's very pretty, great idea for teaching a new language to kids, the only thing I noticed is that one of the words you used it's not the right one for that specific sentence If you want to say "it is hot" it will be "hace calor" instead of "hace caliente", it's a little confusing but depending on what you want to say you may have to choose between Caliente or Calor, in this case is Calor

    1. Thank you for your comment. When I make my Spanish printables I consult with some online sources but also with my family from Mexico. There are several different countries and regions within countries that speak Spanish. While making this set, I did see several people use "calor" for both hot and warm. I wanted to make a distinction between hot and warm for my daughter. I called our family and asked what they do where they are from and they said "caliente" would be acceptable there and that is what they say. For the purpose of our printables, I choose to use words and phrases used by our family so that it helps my daughter learn to speak to them in Spanish.

    2. I would be happy to add a "hace calor" arrow though so that people can use that. I will try to remember the next time I am on the computer that has publisher!
