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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Weekly Wrap-Up Week of 11/9/13

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C was sick all week so we didn't have a full school week.  She started the week out with a fever but had no complaints and still had plenty of energy so we had school as usual.  Every so often when she has been around a lot of kids she'll have a fever for a day or so and not have it turn into anything.  It used to drive me crazy but now I just chalk it up to her body fighting off something she was exposed to.

Unfortunately, we weren't so lucky this time.  Thankfully, after a doctor's visit and meds she is on the mend!  I wish I could say the same for myself!  

We did manage to squeeze in some learning and fun this week! 

Fun Traditions

We had a dusting of snow early this week.  Our tradition is to have hot chocolate and a Christmas movie to celebrate the first snow - even if it does melt by lunch time! C was so excited to make a snow angel and have hot chocolate with her breakfast!

Trying something new

We tried something new this week!  C has always enjoyed pressing her feet against things.  I admit, it has always driven me crazy.  She is always tipping things over or just putting feet on things I'd rather not have feet placed on.  I have been thinking about getting her a "wiggle disc" or balance disc for quite awhile to press her feet into while she works.  I finally used my Swagbucks to purchase her one!  We got the ProSource 14", I felt like it was the best deal after shipping.

C loves it!  She has enjoyed standing on it, sitting on it and ofcourse pressing her feet into it.  It has two sides, one with small bumps and one with larger bumps, she prefers the larger bumps. 

Here you can see it in action.  On the left, she is sitting on it as she reads from her Song School Spanish workbook.  On the right, she is using her feet on it while completing the writing portion of her Spanish work.  

I wish I would have purchased one sooner!  Do you have a wiggly child?  I would love to hear what you do to help focus during school time in the comments section below! :)

Apologia Astronomy

 In Astronomy this week we are learning about the Sun.  In the photo above she is comparing how large the Earth would be if the Sun was only the size of a soccer ball. (it was supposed to be a basketball but you gotta work with what ya got!) That little tiny black speck is the Earth, represented by a peppercorn. 
Coincidently, Calvert had a chalk night picture in the lesson plans this week.  C loved it! 

We took it easy Thursday and Friday in an effort to get C to rest and recuperate.  We watched a documentary about Yellowstone.  She decided she did not want to go there because she doesn't want the volcano to erupt during our vacation! 


We also did a little work on K5 Learning.  I mentioned last week, that I received a six week membership to review K5 learning.  It is a reading and math enrichment program for k-5 students.  We are enjoying it so far, I will post a full review when our trial is over! 

* If you have a wiggly child you may appreciate this post from 1+1+1.*
Thanks so much for visiting Joy Focused Learning! 
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  1. Love your tradition - Christmas movie and hot chocolate to celebrate the first snow sounds lovely!

    1. It is a relatively new tradition we started when we moved to Ohio - it doesn't snow much in Texas! We love it though! :)

  2. Oh Angela I love seeing the first snow pics, I didn't get any with LIttle Man since he doesn't like going out in the snowy depths by himself. ;)
    I love that chalk night art! Super cool stuff. Hope your little is feeling better!

    1. She is feeling much better thanks! We didn't stay out long (less than five minutes!) because C wasn't feeling great but I didn't want her to miss it. The chalk picture turned out awesome! :)

  3. Sorry that your dear one is under the weather I hope she is able to recuperate this weekend. We just finished astronomy using God's Design for Science Heaven and Earth book 1 and the kiddos are still working on their solar system project for our science fair. I pinned your core balance ball something to consider for my wiggly wilma! Blessings!

    1. C is loving our astronomy study, I am so thankful we won it in a giveaway @ Hip Homeschool Moms! If you decide to try the balance disc, let me know how it works out for you. It is working really well for us so far! :)
