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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Why we chose to try Virtual School this year - and why we are already changing things up.

C and I have always done "school" at home, even when she was very little.  I put things together from other blogs like 1+1+1 and Homeschool Creations as well pinterest.  I also made some printables and activities myself.

As she got closer to official school age, I felt worried that I wouldn't be able to cover everything and something would slip through the cracks.  I really wanted to use a complete curriculum and had settled on Heart of Dakota but we just couldn't afford it.

I know a lot of people put together their own curriculum or use Easy Peasy Free Online Homeschool but I just didn't feel comfortable.  I always think too much.

I had heard good things about one of the virtual school choices in our state and I called and spoke to the teacher.  She had said that we would be able to do some of our own things since C is ahead for her grade and made me feel comfortable with the idea.  I talked to my husband and we decided to enroll her.

I wasn't impressed that we didn't get our materials until a couple days before school was set to start.  I like to have things organized and ready in advance and I felt a bit rushed.  Our schedule was to have online class at 9 and then do what was on the lesson plans after along with whatever extra things I wanted to cover.

First day of school

C was quickly frustrated with the online class time because there was a lot of repetition and she had to sit through the teacher explaining the directions multiple times before she could get started.  C is a good listener and eager to get started on something, so waiting for the teacher to explain it several times to make sure all the other kids understood was irritating to her.

I wasn't thrilled with how long it took us to get through the assigned lessons and also with tech issues with class time.  Class would freeze or boot us out sometimes and we would spend a good while trying to get back in, to find out the teacher was also booted out and then we would have to spend more of our day watching the video later.  It just did not feel like an efficient use of our time.

I considered completely dis-enrolling her from the school when I found out they have an option that is more like an umbrella school.  This option allows us to conduct our school day without ever having to get on the computer, unless there is a supplemental activity that I want to include.  Everything is in books from Calvert and only a select few assignments have to be mailed in so that the Calvert coordinator knows we are doing the work.

C has already mastered most of the material so far so I am able to do a condensed version of the lesson and move on  some extra things I would like to do (like our Fruit of the Spirit study).

So far I am really enjoying this route, it seems very similar to what I understand Carisa from 1+1+1 does with her older boys.  I am not sure what we will do next year but I am happy with this compromise for now.

I don't feel comfortable putting out all my location info or blasting the school online, but if you would like more info please e-mail me or send me a message on facebook.  You can find me on facebook here.

Thank you so much for sticking with me through this long, text heavy post!  I hope you find it helpful.  If you have more questions about our choices this year, leave a comment or find me on facebook.  :)


This post is linked up at:

Pre-K & K Community @ Homeschool Creations | Frugal Homeschool Fridays


  1. I am trying the virtual school for the first time this year as well with my 3rd grader and 7th grader. We, too, have been a little stressed about the online classes. I spoke with the teacher yesterday. Because the kids are doing well in school, they don't have to sit through the live classes. I will say that we watch the recordings for the more complex algebra problems we've been tackling. I'm glad that you were able to find what you're looking for. I am looking for other options as well, but I'm not entirely sure that I will change. We'll see.... ;)

    PS This was very helpful! Thanks!

    1. That's great that they worked with you about the live class time!
