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Friday, November 1, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up Week of 10/27

I missed the Weekly Wrap Up last week so I will share some of our favorite activities from the last two weeks!  We had a lot of fall fun the past couple of weeks.  We went outside to find leaves for a fall collage but we couldn't pass up the opportunity to pile them up and jump in!

C was so excited to make her collage that she only wanted to jump a couple times so she could get started on her project.  She also dressed up as Izzy from Jake and the Neverland Pirates for a fall day at the library.

C was so excited to hear that we won the Apologia Astronomy curriculum and telescope from Hip Homeschool Moms!  We received the curriculum but haven't received received the telescope yet, I'm sure we will soon! We dug right in and are enjoying the curriculum so far.

1. Observing gravity as we drop things off the playground
2. She wanted her horse to learn about astronomy too!
3. When the text said she was going to be an amateur astronomer, she wanted me to take a picture of her and her astronomer friends: Zazoo and Starry
4. Coming up with mnemonic phrases with and without Pluto.  She came up with "My very excellent Mom just served us nine peas."  and "My very excellent Mom just served us noodles."
5. Coloring in her junior notebooking journal

In Calvert, we have been talking about taking care of the environment.  We did an experiment to see what happens when water is contaminated with oil. 

C has rest time every day from 2-3, I was so surprised when she actually asked to finish a puzzle before she got up.  Usually she happily abandons anything she is doing when it is time to get up.

We have had a fun couple of weeks!  What is are your favorite moments of last week?


This post is linked up at:

Weekly Wrap Up  |   


  1. Congratulations on your astronomy curriculum win, it looks like fun! I love the leaf photos. So much joy!! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks for visiting the blog! We are loving the astronomy curriculum so far! :)
