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Friday, September 27, 2013

Weekly wrap-up week of 9/22

I am excited to share what we did on our first week without the online school (post about that coming soon).  I definitely feel a sense of accomplishment looking back on what we were able to do this week without all that busy work! 

We started each day with our calendar routine.

We also did a page of our Fruit of the Spirit: Love study each day.

Love/Not Love Sort

How Jesus showed His love for us.

Tracing our Bible verse

C isn't a huge fan of math, but she usually has a better attitude if I make it hands on.  I try to keep math time short, sweet and fun!  This week we spent a couple days working on number bonds up to 10.  We filled in the "whole" and she rolled the dice to find one part.  Then she subtracted to find the other part and wrote out all the problems she can make with that number bond.

The first day she didn't quite get it - she kept wanting to add the part to the whole. But the next day she got it and was able to make 4 number sentences for each bond. :)

Using marbles to solve.

Writing out the number sentences.

We also spent a day working on word problems.  She usually enjoys word problems if I make them about things she enjoys: animals, food or herself! :)  

She solved the first couple problems so easily I decided to see if she could do a two part problem.  I wasn't sure if it would trip her up or not.  She solved it without any trouble!  She was very proud of herself. She even answered one of the questions in a complete sentence!

I saw this cute rhyming game in a Mailbox magazine at the library.  Instead of making a copy of their worms I just cut out some worm-ish shapes out of pink construction paper.  C added some details to make them look more like worms.  Each worm got a word family assigned to them and then we had a worm race!  Each word family was given a number - she rolled a die, came up with a word that ends with that sound, wrote it on the worm and moved that worm forward.  The first worm with 5 words won.

I laminated the worms so we can play this game again with more word families or another skill.  She LOVED this activity, C thinks worms are so cute. She was so excited she ran upstairs to get her Barbie news camera and microphone so I could "cover" this exciting race.

We go to a homeschool group on Thursdays and so far she is loving it!  This week she did a crayon resist water color painting in her art class and she learned about plants in her science class.  She was so excited to bring home a green bean plant!  When I told her we get to eat the green beans when they grow she quickly told me not to talk about eating the green beans in front of "Greeny" because we don't want him to be sad!  She is so thoughtful!  She put Greeny next to "Planty" so "he" could have a friend.

Hanging up her paperwork definitely encourages her to try her best - this is her work from this week!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog!  What did you do with your kiddos this week?

Resources found in this post:

  • The laminator we use can be found in my Amazon store on the right sidebar of this page. (affiliate link)
  • The calendar printables can be found here (English) and here (Spanish).
  •  The Fruit of the Spirit printables can be found here.




  1. Great ideas for Math! I'm looking at more hands-on ideas for math for my kids ;)

    1. Thanks! I will be posting our sidewalk number line activities soon! :)

  2. Love the worm idea for rhyming too - cute!

    1. She loved it so much I am thinking of using it for a lot of different skills!
