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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Let Your Kids Take an Action Break - FREE Printable

I am very thankful that C usually has a pretty good attitude about getting her work done during school time.  Some days though, her little body just can't take sitting for that long.  To help her out, I am going to re-instate something we used to do, I'm not sure why we ever stopped.

Here's how we plan to use them: 

C will get 3 tickets a day and she can use them whenever she feels she needs to move!  When she is out though she will not get any more breaks until we get our work done.  I plan on typing up a short list of choices so when she uses a card she can quickly get moving and then get back to work. Her choices will include things like:
  • bubbles
  • balance challenges (hopping/standing on one foot, yoga poses, etc)
  • run outside (if weather permits)
  • stretching

I originally thought I would give her 3 ten minute tickets but now I am thinking 1 ten minute and 2 five minute tickets might be better!  

In the PDF there are two different design choices, I grouped them into sets of orange, green and blue.  There is also a set with no times listed so you can set your own times.  

All you have to do to get your copy is visit my Facebook page, like Joy Focused Learning and download the set.  The page hosts the printables is embedded into the FB page so get a better look press the down arrow button to download. :) 

If you download and enjoy this printable, I would greatly appreciate a comment either here or on my Facebook page!

Thank you so much for visiting Joy Focused Learning!  


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  1. What a great idea! Not only does it help your daughter get some energy out, but she also has to plan out when to use them. Good thinking!

    1. I think she is going to love it, we are going to start the week after Christmas. :)

  2. Great idea! I might need to implement something similar!

  3. Love this. I think I need to institute something like this in our home. Thanks so much for sharing on the #homeschoollinkup
